DCNS delivers MU90 torpedo simulator to German Navy
DCNS has successfully delivered the SIMOPE (SIMulateur OPErationnel) MU90 torpedo simulator to the German Navy. SIMOPE is designed to prepare and simulate operational launch scenarios with the MU90 lightweight anti-submarine torpedo, in an extremely realistic configuration. The German defence procurement agency (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung - BWB) accepted SIMOPE into service without reserve. The delivery and acceptance process included training for German technical experts in how to use the new system.
The MU90 is the result of a partnership between the French and Italian governments and the respective industries of the two countries. Germany was the first export customer to adopt the MU90, followed by Denmark, Poland and Australia.
The SIMOPE tool is now in service with the French and German navies and will enable them to share knowledge and information about the MU90 in a more comprehensive and coherent manner. This simulator will also facilitate the work of navy personnel involved in workgroups set up by the various user nations to provide operational feedback and support.